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MrCally's Series (You have it all)

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By: MrCally

INTRODUCTION: Chem's dream of wining back his childhood love needs just a special moment, what will that be?

I just woke up from sleep around 4 pm when my little brother rushed into my room with my phone.
"The call just rang off" He said and handed the phone back to me. "Rayne was calling" he added and leave.

I called back.
"Is your house on fire? I ask jokingly.
"Is it a crime to call a friend? Rayne replied.
"We met 3 hours ago, and so i was not expecting your call this time unless there is something serious that you want to tell me like 'your house is on fire!'"
Rayne laugh "Anyway i just want to ask if you can make it to the Fun Night bar today?"
"Of course i will, is there something special about there?"
"Not really, when we get there there is something i want us to discuss. Rayne said and hang off the call.


I arrived a little bit late when my friends where already there Waiting for me.

Chem, Rayne and Dynamo was looking at me angrily, they've being Waiting for me for about 40 minutes.

"I would slap you Cally if you were my little brother " Dynamo said sarcastically. He was right to say that so i was not angry. "Sorry guys, fixing little brother's laptop took me more time than i expected, it was late before i remembered that i have appointment here.
My apology was accepted and so i sat down in a sit reserved for me in our usual table.

I needed some refreshment to release me from the stress encountered from driving in a muddy road and the cold weather too. So i summoned the waitress and ordered for catfish pepper soup and a bottle of legend.
"2 minutes your order will be right here" She assured me and held back to arrange my request.

"What was the matter you wanted us to discuss?" I ask Rayne. Before he could talk Dynamo interrupted and rushed in a quick reply like a lightening. "Forget about it there is something more important we have to discuss to night."
Then it was Rayne turn to announce to me the big surprise. "Chen have finally fall in love! " He said excitedly.
"Wow! With who?" I asked looking straight to Chen's Smiling face.
The waitress interrupted our conversation. "Here is your pepper soup and beer." She said to me. I checked and it was exactly what i ordered.



I enjoyed the taste of my favourite cat-fish pepper soup in the first sip.

I was not surprise when Chen himself told me 'he'd fallen in love with his childhood date Julie.'

Chen and Julie dated in their early teens, but the relationship ended after 3 years when Julie's family moved to Akwa-Ibom state there home town.

Chen refuses to date afterwards, he felt the nature cheated on him by taking his lover away from him.

Chen and Julie always chat on 2go until the letter's sudden disappearance from the social network and her phone number was constantly switched off. Chen had no means of contacting Julie anymore, even her friends don't her whereabout, they were completely parted.

We tried as had as we can to encourage Chen to move on but he refused, he dwell on those thoughts for more than 2 years. His life was totally affected by Julie absent in his life, his life was turning into a misery before he decided to move on not with another girl, he remained single.


You are here » Kenwizy official forum » Writers Arena » MrCally's Series (You have it all)